Wireless Spectrum is scarce and with rising mobile broadband traffic, spectrum shortage will be compounded further. Future bottleneck in high definition wireless broadband experience will not be device or battery but spectrum scarcity
Spectrum scarcity problem will get worse in medium term with introduction of wireless power transmission in addition to mobile broadband growth...
How spectrum scarcity problem can be solved?
Strategy 1: Use More Base Stations
By increasing number of base stations, spectrum required will be less for same wireless signal transmission capacity
This Strategy is for Telecom Operators to consider
Strategy 2: Make Base Stations More Spectrum Efficient
By increasing spectrum efficiency of Base Stations, spectrum required will be less for same wireless signal transmission
This Strategy is for Telecom Equipment Providers to consider
Strategy 3: Increase Spectrum: Cognitive Radio and White Spaces
Renowned Telecom Economist, my friend Phillipa Biggs from ITU has recently delivered an excellent presentation on Cognitive Radio and White Spaces.
Idea is to use unutilized spectrum (white spaces) in all frequencies by real time dynamic spectrum management using cognitive radio.
Google Lemstra (2008), “Cognitive Radio defying spectrum management”
This Strategy is for Telecom Regulators to consider and allow. Telecom Equipment Providers and Operators will deploy this accordingly.
Strategy 4: Spectrum Substitution or Outsourcing?
Spectrum is defined by frequency, time and location. Can spectrum be outsourced using location as a variable? At any time, spectrum may be scarce at some location but may be readily available in other locations such as country side...
Initially it sounded weird idea- Spectrum Outsourcing...but then I thought deeper...FMC (Fixed Mobile Substitution) is in a way Spectrum Outsourcing only...
There might be other approaches for spectrum outsourcing like transmitting signal by fixed to certain point then utilizing wireless or like Avatar having mirror replica simultaneously in different place ( Quantum Physics works on probability of having a particular photon at two places , so tomorrows technologies can achieve this !!)
This Strategy is for Telecom Researchers to research the feasibility
What do you guys think? Spectrum Outsourcing idea is weird or is it worth exploring for the researchers? Or some group is already exploring this?