Figures in the bracket are indicative values for few Asian Operators
Subscribers (Subs)
1. Total Subs
2. Subs Segmentation: Prepaid (95%), Post Paid (5%)
3. Churn per month (3%)
4. Subscriber per Employee (13,000)
5. Minutes of Usage (MOU)
__a. MOU Segmentation: Prepaid (400) , Postpaid (1000), Aggregate (420)
__b. MOU Segmentation: Incoming (220), Outgoing (200), Aggregate (420)
6. Number of Outgoing SMS Per Sub Per Month (30)
7. Minutes Carried Per Month (MON) (50 billion)
8. % Airtime Capacity Utilization
9. Minutes Per Site
10. Number of Calls
11. Number of Calls per Subscriber
12. Average Call Duration
13. Roaming Minutes
14. International Roaming Minutes
15. International Roaming Minutes Segmentation: Incoming (64%), Outgoing (36%)
16. ARPU ( Average Revenue Per User)
__a. ARPU Segmentation: Voice ($4), Data ($8), Aggregate ($4)
__b. ARPU Segmentation: Prepaid ($3), Postpaid ($11), Blended ( $4)
17. ARPM (Average Revenue Per Minute)
__a. ARPM Segmentation: Prepaid ($0.15), Postpaid ($0.022), Blended ($0.02 )
18. Average Revenue Per Call
19. Average Revenue Per Cell Site
20. Average Revenue Per Employee
21. Revenue Breakup (%)
__ a. Access: Connection, Subscription (15%)
__b. Wireless Voice (55%)
__c. Data (5%)
__d. Internet (5%)
__e. Interconnect (10%)
__f. Roaming (10%), International Roaming Revenue (1%)
22. International Roaming Revenue Segmentation: PostPaid (99%)
Coverage and Spread
23. Towns Covered
24. Population Covered
25. Area Covered
26. Globalization: Number of Countries Operating Entity
27. % Traffic Within Own Mobile (55%)
28. Top 50% Users Revenue %
29. Top 50% Sites Revenue %
Market Share
30. Subs Share
31. Revenue Market Share
32. Minutes Market Share
Incremental Performance
33. Share of Net Adds Subs
34. Share of Incremental Revenue
35. Quarterly Sites Added
36. MRPU ( Marginal Revenue Per User)
37. Growth
__ a. Subs Growth
__ b. Revenue Growth
__c. Services Revenue Growth
__d. Services Revenue Acceleration
__e. ARPU Growth
__f. ARPM Growth
38. Subs Added / Retail Point of Presence (POP)
Operational Efficiency
39. Average Margin Per User (AMPU)
__a. AMPU Segmentation: Prepaid (More),Postpaid (Less), Blended()
40. Employee Cost / Town Covered ($2500)
41. Number of BTS Sites
42. Number of MSC Sites
43. Number of Employees
44. MSC/ Subs
45. MSC/ BTS
46. BTS/ Subs (1000)
47. BTS/ Km2
48. Capex
__a. Capex (% Revenue) (25%)
__b. Capex per Sub ($140)
__c. Capex per Minute ($0.07)
__d. Capex per Site ($100K )
49. Opex
__a. Opex per Sub ( $3)
__ b. Opex per Minute ($0.02)
__c. Opex per site ($3000)
50. Gross Capex ( Gross Fixed Assets + Incremental Capex)
51. Opex as % Revenue (60%)
52. Spectrum Charges as % Revenue (2%)
53. License Fee as % Revenue (6%)
54. InterConnect Cost as % Revenue (16%)
55. Business Operations Cost as % Revenue (15%)
__a. Service Opex (Customer Care & Billing, Service Creation & Administration)
56. Network Operating Cost as % Revenue ( 16%)
__a. Rental as % Network Opex ( 15%)
__b. Power & Fuel as % Network Opex (25%)
__c. Repair & Maintenance as %Network Opex (20%)
__d. Transmission as % Network Opex (15%)
__e. Core Network as % Network Opex (10%)
__f. Hardware and Software as % Network Opex (10%)
57. Labor Cost as % Revenue (5%)
58. OSS/ BSS Ratio
59. Subscriber Acquisition Cost (SAC ) : Dealer Commission, Terminal Subsidy, Sales, Marketing, Distribution
__ a. SAC as % Revenue (10%)
__ b. SAC / net Addition ($12)
__c. SAC / Minute ($0.001)
60. Sales Outlet
__a. Company Owned Sales Outlet
__b. Number of Retail Outlets or Point of Presence (POP)
61. Service Performance
__ a. RTT Delay (Ms) (800)
__b. Application Through Put ( kbps) (25 Kbps)
__c. Call Setup Time
62. Network Congestion
__a. Point of Interconnection (POI) Congestion (<0.5%)>95%)
__b. Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH) Congestion (<1%)>95%)
65. Service Quality
__a. Prepaid – Prepaid Service Success Rate
__b. Number Portability – Drop Rate
__c. Handover Success Rate
66. Network Availability
__ a. BTSs Accumulated downtime (< 2%)
Green and Sustainability
67. Energy Consumption/ Sub (10 Kwh)
68. Co2 Emission/ Sub (6.8 Kg )
Financial & Valuation
69. Gearing ( net Debt/ EBIDTA) (2.0)
70. EBIDTA % Revenue (30%)
71. PAT % Revenue (10%)
72. ROIC ( EBIDTA/ Gross Capex) (20%)
73. FCF ( EBIDTA – Capex –Tax) % Revenue (5%)
74. Capital Productivity ( Revenue / Gross Capex)(67%)
75. EV / EBIDTA (8.0)
76. EV/ Sales (3.0)
77. EV/ Subscribers ($200)
78. EV / GCI (1.0)
79. P/E (20)
Country Mobile Sector KPI
80. Penetration
81. Penetration ( >5Years Population)
82. Penetration per House Hold
83. Top 2 Players Share
84. Top 2 Players Share Change
85. HHI Index
86. Pricing Long Distance/ Local Price Ratio (1.5)
87. Average F2M Interconnect Rate ($0.005 / Min)
88. Average M2M Interconnect Rate
89. Sim/ User ( Number of Subscribers/ Number of handset Sales) (1.5)
90. ARPU (PPP Adjusted)
91. ARPU % of disposable income
92. Mobile Revenue/ GDP (2%)
93. Regional Roaming Usage (Roaming Travelers / Intra Regional Travelers)
Telecom Tower
94. Tenancy Ratio (2.0)
95. Average Rental per Tenant Per Month ($600)
Spectrum Efficiency
96. Busy Hour mErlangs carried per sq km per M Hz (4000)
97. Busy Hour mErlangs per subscriber (40)
98. Subs/Km2/MHz (100)
99. Subs/Km2 (Urban) (2000)
100. Spectrum per Operator (MHz) (5)
Little bit of information of my new book:
Facebook Page - Business Fiction book - "Who is that lady?"
The book is about an idea that is converted into a billion dollar business, about a belief that an idea can be implemented and about formulating right strategy for converting an idea into a business. The plot harmoniously weaves around complex business fundamentals, required to set up, run and make a business successful, presented in lucid, easy to understand style. The novel is about implementation, about challenges that can be overcome, about success, about friendship, about passion, and about fun above all! All in all a hilarious and inspiring story on entrepreneurship and idea possibilities!
The book has got good and encouraging reviews from readers so far.
Dr. T. R. Madanmohan ( Ex Associate Professor IIM Bangalore ) says, “Reading ‘Who is that lady?’ brought vividly the moments of celebration and anguish of "identification of business opportunity", validation and construction of business model and implementation. A wonderful, written as a novel, that should be read by all current and future business leaders. Wish the book was available around 2005 for my class of Managing Technology led business at IIM Bangalore. I am sure the class would have devoured and gained much more from the book.”
Sathish Sheshadri ( Management Consultant at IBM) says, “India is renowned for using stories to convey great life lessons. Who is that Lady could well become such a legendary story on the topic of innovation and entrepreneurship. Everyone from students to CEOs will find a lot to reflect on, from the pearls of wisdom that the authors have shared through the protagonist, Pratik.”
Major Pooja Gupta says, “The book makes you think... if there is anything in this world which is impossible.”
Subir Dhar (Principal Consultant at Infosys) says, “This book will inspire India’s restless youth to take up entrepreneurship.”
Neerav Nimesh (Entrepreneur) says, “An entertaining book, which is not only a good novel but also a very good book on management. The author has been able to explain the fundamentals of every aspect of business whether marketing, planning, strategy, organizational structure, H.R., lines of communication, team work, goal setting etc and has done so without appearing to dispense "gyan".
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